Cosmetic surgery is a big decision. There are countless choices to be made once you decide you want a procedure, and your surgeon is the person who will help guide you through those decisions. Above all other things, picking the right doctor is critical. That choice can make the difference between whether you are happy with your procedure or not.
First things first, do NOT try to save money on ANY surgery of any kind, especially something as serious as breast augmentation. Find a licensed and accredited doctor. See if he has hospital privilege nearby. Ask to speak with previous patients. All of these are good ways to pick a competent surgeon. Picking a "back alley" doctor may save you money at first, but the cost of surgeries to repair whatever damage is done will far exceed the cost of picking a good doctor the first time around.
Feel free to "shop around" and meet with various doctors to see who you feel the most comfortable with, but do not let the price affect your choice. All reputable surgeons will charge pretty much the same amount. Whatever little variation there may be in the price, is worth it to be comfortable with your doctor.
Think about it, you are going to have this procedure for the rest of your life. What difference does $100 make when you spread it out over the next 30 years?? Bottom line, choose the surgeon who you are comfortable with and who is knowledgeable about the subject.
There are two important things to keep in mind to help you decide if the doctor you are meeting is decent. Your consultation should be free, if it is not then just hang up the phone and pick a new doctor. Also, if while you are at your consultation, the doctor (or any staff) try to talk you in to a procedure that you did not come in for and did not express any desire for, LEAVE. Nobody should tell you how you need to look, they are there to help you achieve YOUR desired look- not how they think you should look or what will line their pockets the most.
I'll be going though the various types of surgeries and procedures and explaining all of the details about them (average costs, how they are done, healing time, restrictions, etc.) so be sure to check back as I add more stuff!!
Also, if there is any specific procedure you want me to address, let me know and I'll add it to the top of my list!
My brother and I are both considering rhinoplasies when we get older. Not because we don't like our noses, actually, but because we like them the way they are NOW, but are frightened by how they will look when we get old and they grow huge (since your nose grows throughout your life). We have our grandmother's nose, and though we love her immensely, we do not fancy having her nose when we reach her ripe old age...
Good blog, will be checking in!